Friday, April 26, 2013

The early days.....

Life was hectic in the beginning and quite truthfully I didn't have the time or energy to have Brody's stories and pictures shared with the here's my attempt at catching up.  I can't say I remember everything that went on during the first 4+ months - a lot of it is a blur and forgotten.....Gods way of tricking you into thinking having another baby might not be so bad!!  But here are some of my favorites from birth to 3 months.


The early days were rough with both the boys and sometimes we didn't think we would make it through but I tried (and continue to try) to remind myself that we are blessed with two healthy beautiful boys.  Just looking at how big Tyler is getting I get sad thinking about how quickly things change and how the here and now disappers at a blink of an eye.  While there seems to always  be something just as amazing and exciting around the corner - I often look at my babies and just want to freeze time and never forget how sweet and innocent they are.  One of my favorite books to read with Tyler is I love you through and through.....the words couldn't capture my feelings any more clearly.
Blissfully Happy & Blessed - Kristen Onyon

Monday, March 25, 2013

3 months of Brody

My boy at 1 month, 2 month and 3 months........... Brody has gone through tons of changes in these three months.  Right now our boy is rolling from belly to back (started around the two month mark due to his inability to sit still for one moment), loves to be held but is not a huge snuggler like his brother, is cooing and giggling up a storm and has the most amazing smile that takes over his entire body (his savor during these rough months).  We can't wait to see all his exciting changes over the next few months. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I know it's been a long stretch of no posts but life with two (or what feels like 10) has proved to be a challenge and then some. 

Creeping up on Brody's 15 week mark I sit here and wonder where did that time go.  I can't say that these past few months have been the most enjoyable moments of my life - actually quite the opposite - it has been almost like a living hell at times (just being honest here).  As much as I would love to sit here and say I loved every second of being home with my little man enjoying our bonding time - it would be a total lie.  While bonding did take place there was also a lot of screaming and crying, trips to the dr's, long long days and very little sleep.  Following in his big brothers footsteps Brody has proved himself to be quite the challenging baby.  In his defense he doesn't want to be a hard baby he so badly wants to be happy - but he just got dealt a bad hand dealing with an awful case of reflux, colds, pink eye, the list goes on and on.  The little guy just can't catch a break!

This week Brody will begin transitioning into the life of daycare and next week will be back to work for me.  While I'm excited to return to work and have a life that consists of more than shhhhing and bouncing a baby all day - I am also sad that my time of being a stay at home mom has come to an end and the amazing smiles I get on a daily basis will be limited to mornings and nights. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Christmas 2012

This was our first Christmas home together as a family - just the 4 of us.  In years past we always traveled to be with our families (parents and brother/sisters)  but with the additon of Brody so close to Christmas, as well as Tyler starting to get an understanding of the whole Santa thing, we decided to begin building our own tradition of having Christmas together at home.  We had a great few days making cookies, watching movies and relaxing - spending quality time together.  The holidays this year really made me excited for years to come (not to rush it!) - seeing the excitement on my boys faces every Christmas morning, introducing old family traditions to them and building new family traditions.

Making cookies for Santa - Tyler was very specific on how the cookies were to be decorated

Warn out from all the morning excitement

Loving his baby brother

Checking things out

One happy boy on Christmas morning

Brody has arrived

The day has come and gone - the arrival of our 2nd beautiful baby boy - Brody Michael Onyon born on 12/11/12 at 8:29am weighing in at 8lbs 13ozs and 20inches.
We have been adjusting to life with two beautiful boys but couldn't be happier to have the addition of a healthy baby boy to our crew!  We can't wait to experience all the good times and build lots of memories in the years to come with our boys.

Our precious boy

Loving my little boy

First Onyon family photo

Monday, December 10, 2012

Apple Picking

Another late post but wanted to include some of the fun times we had with apple picking this year.  Two trips to the orchard this year  - one with Tyler's school and the other part of our annual Onyon/Norman apple picking trip! 

First was our trip to the orchard with Tyler's class.  I was able to take the day  off from work and went on Tyler's first school trip.  So much excitement with this trip -  not only was it Tyler's first school trip, but in order to get to the orchard the kids took a school bus.

Big boy on his first school bus ride - excited doesn't even begin to explain it!

Tyler and his buddies Maddie and Jack

Mmmm delicious apples

Next apple picking trip was on  part of the annual Norman/Onyon outing.  Each year it is more and more fun as the kids get bigger and enjoy running through the orchard an picking apples themselves.  This year was the most successful yet as Tyler was a very good helper and we kept daddy down to only picking two bags of apples rather than his normal 4-5 bags.  We love doing this and hope to continues this for years to come!

Our little family

Tyler taking some pointers from his girlfriend on how to take care of his baby brother

Tyler taking care of some heavy lifting

It wouldn't be an apple picking trip without a tractor drive