Monday, March 25, 2013

3 months of Brody

My boy at 1 month, 2 month and 3 months........... Brody has gone through tons of changes in these three months.  Right now our boy is rolling from belly to back (started around the two month mark due to his inability to sit still for one moment), loves to be held but is not a huge snuggler like his brother, is cooing and giggling up a storm and has the most amazing smile that takes over his entire body (his savor during these rough months).  We can't wait to see all his exciting changes over the next few months. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I know it's been a long stretch of no posts but life with two (or what feels like 10) has proved to be a challenge and then some. 

Creeping up on Brody's 15 week mark I sit here and wonder where did that time go.  I can't say that these past few months have been the most enjoyable moments of my life - actually quite the opposite - it has been almost like a living hell at times (just being honest here).  As much as I would love to sit here and say I loved every second of being home with my little man enjoying our bonding time - it would be a total lie.  While bonding did take place there was also a lot of screaming and crying, trips to the dr's, long long days and very little sleep.  Following in his big brothers footsteps Brody has proved himself to be quite the challenging baby.  In his defense he doesn't want to be a hard baby he so badly wants to be happy - but he just got dealt a bad hand dealing with an awful case of reflux, colds, pink eye, the list goes on and on.  The little guy just can't catch a break!

This week Brody will begin transitioning into the life of daycare and next week will be back to work for me.  While I'm excited to return to work and have a life that consists of more than shhhhing and bouncing a baby all day - I am also sad that my time of being a stay at home mom has come to an end and the amazing smiles I get on a daily basis will be limited to mornings and nights.