Today is Tyler's one month birthday. We won't have an official weight and height until tomorrows Dr's appt, but we did an at home weight check and came up with 9lbs 14ozs. So that's 1lb and 4ozs more then when he was born. It's amazing how much he is changing each day.
We had a great day today. Tyler and Mom went to their second Mommy and Me meeting.....Tyler was a bit fussy while we were there but we made it through. The afternoon was a different story. Tyler was a little angel and slept most of the afternoon away, allowing Mommy to organize and cleanup the house a little bit.
Just taking a little nap and getting some snuggle time with Mommy.
After snoozin in the swing and on Mommy for a while he decided it was time to try out the couch.
Tyler looks like such a sweet little nugget on the couch! I'm so glad things are going well for you guys. Give Tyler a big snug from his Auntie MyMy.