After two fun filled days of Christmas in NJ we headed upstate to celebrate with the
Onyon side of the family. We left Christmas night with our boy snoozing for the majority of the ride and then up and ready to rage upon our arrival at Grammy and Pop
Pop's. After some playing and lots of snuggles and kisses he was off to bed for a big day of Christmas fun ahead of him.
We were up and at em early with lots of presents to open. Tyler was having a ball helping opening presents and chewing everything he could get his hands on. Once again Tyler was spoiled with lots of presents! After a fun morning of opening presents and playing, we headed off to the Gallant family Christmas party where we got to show off our little boy to the entire family. It was a great few days.

Enjoying his tasty new cell phone.

Sophia and Tyler sharing
Tylers new chair.

Uncle Meatball and Sophia having some fun in the playhouse!

Tickles and giggles with Grammy and Cousin Sophia

Just doing some stretching
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