Just 3 months from the big 2!!! Hard to believe that this time two years ago Mike was starting the interview process for his new job at Applied, I was getting ready for my baby showers, and we were getting our little man's room ready for his arrival. It's amazing just how quickly time really does go by. This past 21 months has been like a blink of the eye....feels like it was yesterday that I was cuddling my little boy wondering what his first words would be (tree); wondering when he was going to sit up, crawl or walk; if he was every going to stop waking up in the middle of the night or go to sleep for us without a fight; what his favorite toys would be (currently trucks, buses and tractors); what his favorite food would be ( loves his applesauce, avocado, pasta with butter).......so many things we wondered about and so many things we have learned. The first year was an amazing experience becoming a family and learning so much about being a parent...we loved every second of it - well most seconds of it :) But the past 9 months have been the best so far (I'm sure I'll be saying this for the next 5 years). Watching Tyler become this little person - learning and growing day after day- showing more and more of his personality that we love and enjoy so much. During this process mommy and daddy are continuing to learn and grow themselves - learning more about patience and teamwork and learning that there really is room to love someone more and more each day. As Tyler gets bigger Mike and I cherish every snuggle, giggle and sweet kiss we get from our little man as we know at some point he will be "too cool" for it and if the past 21 months are any indication of how fast it goes we need to enjoy it while we can. Happy almost 2 years T-man - please slow down with the aging process it's going way too fast.
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21 month checkup 33.5inches and 25lbs 14.5ozs |
That's our little Tman to a tee. Look at that belly!!! Makes you want to just tickle him & kiss him over & over.