Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Our big boy

So the struggle continues with my infrequent postings to this blog.  It's a constant struggle to keep on it but I want to try to keep up as much as possible - not only for purposes of other people seeing Tyler's constant changes but also for Mike I to look back at what was going on with Tyler when and to not forget all the milestones and funny moments!   It amazes me looking back a year ago at what Tyler looked like and what Tyler was doing compared to now. In my attempt to keep up on this and to just track the going ons of our little man I wanted to just give some recaps of funny Tyler moments or current Tyler going on's that I know I would want to remember one, two, three years from now....

  • is a creature of habit - if you move something from it's original place or do something in a different way then previously seen he will let you know and demand that the item, person, dog (Giiiirrrlllss), etc. go back to it's original spot
  • is not a great listener - Tyler loves to push buttons and put a heart melting smile on his face when trying to discipline him (pretty sure any parent could have this one on their list!)
  • loves to blow kisses and say good bye when leaving the house, daycare, at nap time, bedtime, etc.
  • snuggles better then anyone in this whole world - there is nothing better then at bedtime when he rests his perfect little head on your shoulders and tucks his little hands in between you and his belly and snuggles right in
  • loves to make "coco" - nothing gets this boy more excited (other then maybe hearing the phone ring - see below) then helping make coffee in the Kerig.  he knows exactly where the pods go, how to close the top, and what buttons to push (see he's an expert at pushing buttons!). 
  • is obsessed with the telephone.  If the phone rings he will stop whatever he is doing and run as fast as he can into the kitchen to make sure someone is answering the phone.  If you don't answer quick enough (or god forbid at all) he will get irate!
  • some of his favorite foods are - plain pasta (no butter, sauce, etc. just dry), avocado, watermelon, cheese, pretzels, crackers, raisins, apples, mac and cheese..............as well as dust bunnies, paper, any part of the rug he can rip up, any part of blankets and towels he can bite off, any amount of lotion he can get off of his body after it is rubbed on him after bath time.....and the lists go on and on!
  • demands to watch "Choo Choo" (Chuggington) "Mimmy" (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) and "football" A LOT
  • loves to flirt with blond woman -  he likes the brunettes too sometimes but without fail if your blond he's flashing that adorable little smile
  • best buddy at daycare is Oliver - who is sadly leaving our daycare at the end of the week :(

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Onyon Family Christmas day 1

After our Christmas morning fun with Tyler we packed up the car and headed upstate for the Onyon family Christmas festivities.  First stop Aunt Leenie and Uncle Brian's house.  Tyler couldn't wait to see his Aunt Leenie he'd been asking for her for days-and that fact that the Woof Woof  (aka Buster) was going to be there just sweetened the deal for him.  We arrived Friday afternoon and Tyler was so excited to be there and have new territory to reek havoc on.  Grammy arrived shortly after our arrival  with PopPop coming along later and Tyler couldn't have been happier to see them - wanting nothing to do with his Mamma and Dadda once he was near them.  Later that night we had the Gallant Family party which was a lot of fun  - we had a great time seeing everyone and catching up with some we had not seen in months as well as enjoying watching all the kids run around with each other having fun.  It was a great start to our Christmas weekend upstate!
Tyler looking studly in his suit (thanks Grammy and PopPop) while taking his four wheeler for a ride (thanks cousins Jackie!)

Loving the Santa Christmas PJ's and showing off his curves..his belly was big enough to compete with Santa after hsi massive helping of ziti!

Helping Aunt Leenie make some "coco" in the morning

Spending a little snuggle time with Grammy....this is the best time of the day post nap (when he actually naps) he loves to snuggle!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day II Christmas Eve

Next stop Grammy & PopPop's....after a fun night at Colleen and Brians we headed over to Grammy and PopPop's for a day of Christmas fun - which included opening presents and Christmas Eve dinner.  While I would like to say it was a nice relaxing day....I would be lying - it was nice and lots of fun it was absolutely exhausting!  We started the evening off with our family Christmas present exchange.  Tyler was spoiled rotten as  always working through mounds of gifts and  having to take breaks between his opening duties to play and then rest.  After we wrapped up our gift exchange we moved on to dinner - after the craziness of gift exchange we were hopeful the kids had worn themselves out and worked up an appetite.  Unfortunately that was not the case and they (Sophia & Tyler....Lucas of course was being Mr. Perfect as usual sitting quietly at the table eating his puffs) were off and running within five minutes of dinner.  While a true family dinner would have been nice - it was great watching Sophia and Tyler running and screaming in delight as they played with all their new toys.  One thing to sum up the day relaxing no...memorable always! 

Tyler so excited to see that Sophia has arrived!

Tyler so excited about his Hess truck!

Having a ball watching daddy spit fake food up into the air.

Lucas and Tyler getting some snuggle time with PopPop.

Beep beep coming through...

Christmas Morning

After a few weeks of catching up on sleep getting settled back into a "normal" life I'm finally getting around to posting pictures from the holidays.  It was a fun and exciting whirlwind of days enjoying time with family. 

We kicked off our festivities on Friday morning where Mike and I had our Christmas with Tyler.  This year was much more exciting then last year as Tyler was more into tearing open presents and eager to play with his toys right away....screaming at Mama and Dada when we didn't get it out of the packaging fast enough.

Daddy helping Tyler open up presents

Weebles wobble but they don't fall down....one of Tyler's favorites this year!

Check out my new ride!